Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Very thin impossible story line dragged out.

In one scene, Hugo is in a book shop with a young girl.
They are coming down a spiral staircase. The girl is
in the lead. They reach the bottom, the girl in the
lead. The scene cuts to them walking down a narrow
aisle way in the shop, now Hugo is in the LEAD!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


John tells me this is in it's 3rd session on Austar, while there have only been
three episodes on commerical T.V.

I have never ever know this to happen naturally and if anyone has, please let
me know. A young dark haired child who grows up to have blonde hair!!!

I have know many cases of a blonde haired child who grows up to have darker hair,
but as I said never the other way around!

Yet this has happened to the son Danny!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dexter (the Differences)

It is about time I wrote on this. Firstly I have read all six
Dexter books. I believe that the next season of Dexter is eight.

However the T.V show and the books started to differ with the
very first session.

Dexter has a brother Brian and in the T.V. show he was the Ice
Truck Killer and got engaged to Deb (Dexter's foster sister.
Brian then tried to kill Deb, but Dexter killed him instead.

This did not happen in the book. He was the Ice Truck killer
but not involved with Deb and Dexter did not kill him.

In session two Dexter does marry Rita but they have a little
girl (not boy), and Rita is not killed by the Triple
murderer. She is killed in book six (Dexter: The Final Cut)by
a pedophoile who tries to go off with Astor.

After that the T.V. show is completely different from the books.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Rear Window

I think you would have to live under a rock not to have hear
of Hitchcock's "Rear Window." It is a classic!

Well in the last week I have seen two shows, the first a
recent episode of Castle and the second CSI NY where the plot
has revolved around "the rear window."

In Castle he has a broken leg (like the original)and Alexis
gives him a pair of binoculars which of course he uses to
spy on the neighbours and of course he thinks he sees a
murder. There is even a reference to "Rear Window" in the
episode! Turns out it was all a hoax got up by Kate as he
was so bored! It was his birthday present. He says Best
Birthday Present EVER!!!

In CSI NY Mac is laid up with a broken right hand, ribs
and bruises and contusions (same thing!) as a result of
being thrown off a second floor balcony. He spends his
time watching the neighbours, though not through a pair
of binoculars, but he does use his mobile phone to zoom
in on what he is watching and takes video of it and
pictures and sends them to the rest of the team in the
office!! He does not witness a murder par say, as the
bloke opposite kills a carney with a gas. Turns out it
is Sarin gas and he intends on putting it in a air vent
at the Conservatory Grand Function! Of course they stop
him in time. There is no reference to the Hitchcock movie
in the show! It is the same plot!! (just a different twist!)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Weeellll who would have guessed that ending? Meg couldn't wait and had to
go online and stream episode 1 series 8 from USA just to see what happens
now the B*T*H won't tell me what happened!!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Silver Linning"

I'm afraid there was none. Read the blurb and thought it was
a romantic comedy. The only comedy was provide by Chris Tucker
each time he tried to escape from the mental institute.

Robert de Niro's portrayal of a bombastic totally self serving
father was too real to the bone for me. He even looked like my
late husband.

Was shocked at Jackie Weaver's appearance, as the mother, she
looked more like the GRANDMOTHER!

As for Bradley Cooper's performance, I thought it ironic he
refused to take his medication claiming he made him dull and
lifeless, exactly like his performance!

Have never been so happy to see the credits come up on a picture!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Suit Case

Saw this movie this week. It is a teen musical BUT not one
of the High School musicals. It was about a young girl who
goes to the big city to find fame and fortune but as soon
as she gets off the bus her suitcase is stolen. It is a
white suitcase with a lovely black flower pattern on it.

The next day I watched another musical, called "Sparkle"
in this the eldest sister is called Sister and she leaves
home with a white suitcase with a black flower pattern.
Hang on IT IS the same suitcase! as in yesterday's movie!!
I have never seen another suitcase like it! These movies
must have been made by the same company!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tis The Season of the Witch.

Watched two movies this week one day after the other. In the
first "Dark Shadows" set in 1972. We hear in the background
the young niece of B Collins playing the

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dynamo Magician Impossible

I have never watched a full episode of this show. But I have
seen a few snippets from time to time.

In one he walked through a glass window. He touched the glass
and we all saw him touch the glass, people were watching from
both inside the room where he was and from the street. When
he finished he just walked off down the street hands in pockets.
With people saying "How did he do that?"

The next time he walked down the side of a building. Once again
people in the street were watching. At first they thought he
was going to jump. Then he walked down, once he was on the street
he put his hands in his pockets and walked away with people saying
"How did he do that?"

The last time was during the week on the 7 prime news. He had his
hand on the side of a double decker London bus and he was floating
along beside it. Just in the air as the bus drove along. The bus
stopped and he lowered himself to the roadway and walked away with
his hands in his pockets with people saying "How did he do that?"

To paraphrase Sherlock Holmes "When you have eliminated the
improbable, whatever remains however impossible must be the truth."

So if he is not using wires or tricks then how does he do it? Well
there is a 'fictional' character that can do all he does, by the name
of Superman. So there is the answer he is an alien!! What better
way to do what comes naturally that to be a magician and earn good

Friday, June 28, 2013

Torchwood Again.

An episode about fairies, I thought how exciting. Turns out
these are evil, not good like we have led to believe and I
mean evil with a capital E.

There was a lady who has spent all her life trying to find
them. Turns out she and Jack HAVE HISTORY!

Ends up the fairies drown her by creating a rain storm in
her back yard, though there was no puddle of water to drown
in just a heavy downpour pelting her! She drowned standing
up!!How could that be??

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Saw this movie for the second time the other night. The
first thing that I want to comment on is why the hell
after they took off safely from Las Vegas, they did not
jettison the 12 or so cars in the cargo bay. Without
that added weight they would have easily made it to their
destination in China, instead of crash landing on an ice

Next after he had crashed land and the plane is HANGING on
by a thread to the cliff edge why the hell didn't Sasha
run like mad to the rear of the plane and get the hell off?

The girl friend of the Russian billionaire is in the Ark
4, with Jackson, his family and the Asian family who have
sneaked on board. The Asian worker who gets them on, drops
a drill in the works of the hatch door, so that it will not
close. Unless the door is closed the engine will not work.
Thus water is rushing into the Ark. As the water rushes in
automatic doors begin to shut off different sections of the
ship. The girlfriend is caught alone in one of these
compartments. It is sealed off from the rest of the ship
and also from the engine room where the water is coming in.
So my question is where did the water come that caused her
to drown?

Everest is about 29,000 feet above sea level. The Captain
of the Ark informs the leader that a wave of about 1,500
(I'm not sure whether he said meters, which is about 5,000
feet, or feet, but the point is the next thing we see is
a wave coming over the crest of Mount Everest, HOW IS THAT

Lastly after 27 days, the Ark's Captain announces they are
heading for the Cape of Good Hope. It is now the HIGHEST
point in the world as it rose by 1,000 feet! and he states
it never even got flooded!!!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Torchwood BS

Watched an episode of Torchwood last week, it dealt with
a girl that had been a member of the team but after an
encounter with the Cybermen she was now more machine than

The young man who keeps the home base working while the
team are on the road was the young woman's fiancé. He had
her secretly stashed in the basement. For how long??

Anyway he wants to make her human again. Eventually she
takes a pizza girl captive and cuts out her brain and
then cuts out her own brain.. hay wait a moment when she
cuts out her brain WOULDN'T SHE BE DEAD!!

But despite this MAJOR drawback she puts her brain into
the pizza girl and the pizza girl tells the fiancé she
can now be with him as she is his fiancée!!!Bull Sh.t
Brain Surgery.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Am reading this very funny book and it turns out it was
written by an Australian.

Friday, April 19, 2013

"Push" The Movie.

Watched this last night and I assume it was meant to be
set in a future time here on earth. Was it made on the
cheap and that is why it was set in Hong Kong?

Not a bad story but a very unsatisfying ending as it did
not really end at all! It left too much up in the air,
often a sign that there will be a follow up.

One can only hope as I wonder how things will end.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Was watching "Forrest Gump" (yes again!) and for the
first time noticed the name of the Shrimp Company was
'Bubba Gump', a combination of Forrest's war buddy's
first name and Forrest's surname.

Also that Lt. Dan's surname was Taylor, played by
Gary Sinise. He also plays Detective Mac Taylor in
CSI New York!!! Interesting to note that Sinise also
also played in a band called "Lt. Dan Band"!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hart To Hart

Watched two episodes of "Hart to Hart" over the last

In the first episode titled "Harts Desire." One of
the characters played by Dean Stockwell, appears in
a southern uniform from the American Civil War.

He is reading a book called "Hearts Desire" and
believes he is the Colonel Daniel from the book.

At one stage he throws down on a table, a letter. It
is a discharge from a mental hospital that has the
name James on it.

At the end of the episode, during which the man only
used the name Colonel Daniel, Jennifer Hart says to
Jonathan "What will happen to JAMES?" The name he
NEVER used.

In the second episode "Christmas Hart" we see a young
man lying unconscious on the floor, next to a ladder.
Jonathan rings him. The young man comes to, enough
to crawl to the table about four feet away and pull the
phone off the hook and whisper into it HELP. He then
collapses, with the phone next to his head.

We go back to the Hart house were the Harts are jumping
up to go save the young man. We then go back to the
young man, who is now BACK NEXT TO THE LADDER! and
no phone in sight!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Hart to Hart

Watched an eposide called "On a Bed of Harts." It has been
the worse eposide I have seen in any show so far.

The idea was that it was the Harts anniversary, so Jonathan
bought Jennifer the bed they spent their first night as a
married couple. The only problem was that it was the wrong

Sop they go to Napa valley to the inn to get the right bed.
It turns out the man who owned the inn had died a few months
before, so the inn and all its contents plus the 40 acres of
vines were up for auction.

So The Harts buy the lot for $5 million.

That night a frenchman sneaks into the bedroom, but leaves
when he finds Jennifer asleep in the bed. Jonathan chases
him down the stairs where the frenchman knocks a suit of
armour on top of him and runs out the front door. Jennifer
is halfway down the stairs and helps her husband back up
the stairs. They go into the bedroom and the bed, a four
poster IS GONE. It has been taken out on to the balcony
and lowered onto a bedtray and they see it being driven
away. REALLY IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES!!!It is a heavy wooden

They find it at Mrs. Thorn's and take it back. As they
leave you can see the wires attached to the sheet lift the
sheet and drop it onto the road!

They spend the night hiding in a barn, where the frenchman
finds them the next moring, but not knowing the Harts are
actually in the bed he drives off in their car towing the
bed. Of course the bed becomes seperated from the car as
Mrs. Thorn chase them. But the wire attached to the bed
that is pulling it along for about twenty miles, can
clearly be seen.

They crash ino a fruit marketer's cart. He sell them his
old truck and the next thing we see the bed sitting on top
of the boxes of fruit! How did it get there?

They spend the night in the barn AGAIN. They find that the
flowers on the headbed are covering a stolen mother and
child painting that was smuggled out of France.

So I wondered WHAT anniversary the Harts were celebrating?
because how long were the smugglers going to wait till
they sold the painting?

The Harts leave the barn but the old truck breaks down in
front of a nursery. The next thing the Harts are driving
into San Francisco in a VW with the four poster bed sitting
on top! Once again how DID it get THERE?!!

The frenchman follows them and when they go into a valuer
he drives off in the VW. Surely Jonathan didn't leave the
keys in the ignition?!!

The Harts catch up with him at a bedding place. Here two
workmen struggle to get the bed off the VW and push it onto
the display floor.

The frenchman turns out to be an interpol agent. Then he
announces the bed itself is a French 'treasure' because an
infamous maid of an infamous brothel madam owned the bed.

In the final scene the Harts are in the bed because the
frenchman allowed them once last night in the bed.

The camera pans out and we see they are in a display.

We see it is at the The Palace of Versailles!!(A long way
to go to spend one last night in the bed!!!)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I was watching an eposide called Mrs. Hellfire. In this
eposide Mrs. Hellfire is a hit woman hired by a crook
called Bane, to kill the Halliwell sisters. Prue turns
the tables and ends up killing Mrs. Hellfire. Prue and
Piper search the body and find her address they go there
to search in order to find out who hired her.

Prue can't help herself when she sees Mrs. Hellfire's
wardrobe, she starts trying pieces on.

Prue then goes back to the foyer and looks at the card
on a lovely bunch of roses. They are from Bane.

The next thing two thugs appear in the foyer and take
Prue believeing her to be Mrs. Hellfire.

The thugs take her to Bane. He asks her what she thought
of the roses and she says "I prefer lillies."

They banter for about half an hour then he takes her back
to "her apartment" which is now filled with about a dozen
bunches of orchids.

He asks her what she thinks now she has her preferred flower?
There in lies the major fault. Prue said she liked LILLIES
not ORCHRIDS. On top of which Bane never left her said once
he met her and never made a phone call so who ordered the
flowers and what flower shop could get so many orchrids
together and deliver them in less than 30 minutes, fine
if it is a movie studio not so a real shop.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Watched an episode the other day, where Shawn chases
after an FBI agent who turns out to be the bad guy.

Shawn runs out of the police building and sees a bike.
There is no hemlet on the bike and Shawn does not have
a hemlet in his hand. Yet less than a minute later we
see him on the bike WITH A HEMLET ON chasing the FBI
agent's car.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"Knight and Day."

Saw this movie the other night. Loved the scene where
Tom Cruise lands the plane on the road right behind a
truck whose driver is oblvious to the plane fast

However in one scene we see Cameron Diaz visit "Roy
Miller's" parents. On their letter box is the surname
"Knight". The parents call each other Frank and Molly.
Yet in the credits their names are given as "Frank and
Molly Jenkins." A slip that perhaps no one ever noticed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"How Do You Know?"

Saw this movie the other night. In one scene the hero
is seeing the girl off on a bus. They are waiting at
the stop and within seconds a bus arrives. She gets on
and the bus exits right and the hero starts walking left.
He throws his hands in the air and shakes himself saying
"I can't get a break." The girl sees this pulls the cord
and stops the bus and gets off running to him. The only
trouble is she runs up to him from the LEFT, thus she is
facing him. Which is impossible unless the bus was going
around in a circle.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


T.V. Sunday Herald Sun 10/02/13 printed that the best
line in the episode showing on Monday 11/02/13 was
Victoria's comment to her husband Conrad "Hit me.
This is your one and only shot, so do it like a man,
if that's even possible."

I found that not witty, ironic nor funny. But his line
to her when he goes to the cabin and finds her alive.
"So it is true, not even the devil himself wanted you."
Absolutely brillant, very ironic and funny. I nearly
laughed till I cried. Bouquets to the writers of this

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Was watching the new show Sherlock last night. The one
were Dr. Watson is a woman.

A woman slaps Sherlock across the face. He is complaining
about it. Joan Watson says don't be a baby. He answers
that the right side of his face was leathery from the
number of slaps it had received and the left side of his
face was like a baby's bottom, and the woman had slapped
his left side.

I don't proclaim to be a Sherlock Holmes, but studies
have shown that 70-90% of the population is right handed.
Let's say that it is the lower number. That means that
roughly 70% of the women that hit Sherlock across the face
are right handed. If you stand in front of some one and
hit them with your right hand the 'blow' will land on their
left cheek. If you are standing in front of some one and
hit them with your left hand then the 'blow' will land on
their right cheek.

So is Sherlock saying that most of the women that hit him
are therefore LEFT handed? This is at odds with the % of
left handiness in the general population. Thus I believe
it was a mistake and he should have said that the LEFT
side of his face was leathery from the number of slaps
and the RIGHT was like a baby's bottom.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Hart to Hart

Yes an old show but I don't seem to remember many of the
episodes. I saw one today "Rhinstone Hart" that had a
major mistake in it.

There is a singer the Rhinstone Cowgirl who is about 5 foot
compared to Jennifre Hart's 5 foot 6 inches. Not only that
but her bust was about 4 sizes smaller and her bum at least
two sizes smaller, than Mrs. Hart's.

Yet the whole premise of the show was the singer allowed
Mrs. Hart to wear her latest costumn to a party. Yet the
length of the pants was perfect for Mrs. Hart and the rest
fitted her like a glove, whereas if it had been made for
the singer Mrs. Hart would not have been able to get into
it at all!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Dirk Gently (oops)

I have only seen this show once last year and as both
Cliff and I enjoyed it when I found out it is back on
again I recorded it.

The basic story was an elderly woman hires Dirk to find
her missing cat. When he leaves the woman's house he
sees someone breaking into the house next door. This
turns out to be McDuff a man he went to university with
16 years ago.

McDuff is now living with Susan, whom they also were at
University with.

Dirk explains what he is doing. They find muddy paw
prints in a ware house across the street from the old
woman's house. It was McDuff's idea that the cat might
be there.

The prints end on a metal looking trap door in the
floor of the warehouse. There is also a single petel
from a rose on the cover. Wires from the cover lead to
a number of computers and video screens. Dirk presses
a button on a computer and it announces that the system
will explode in twenty seconds, which it does.

Turns out that a billionaire Gordon Wade is renting
the ware house. He has been missing since Friday 29th
February 2010. Now this is where the first mistake
occured. I don't know if many people would have picked
it up, but the 29th only occurs every 4 years and the
last time was 29th February,2012. The time before that
was 29th February, 2008. There was no such date in 2010!

However this was the date that the cat "Henry" went
missing too.

Dirk interviews Susan and finds out that she used to date
Gordon. He is a computer genuis who often stood her
up because he got wrapped up in his work. On Dec 5th 1994,
she tells him as it is her birthday he better be at her
house by 8 p.m. or it is over. He doesn't show but claimed
it was because he was hit by a car. She does not believe
him and dumped him. At least once a year he comes to see
her and asks her to marry him. Her answer is nearly always
the same. They had their time it is past he blew it and
there is no going back!

Dirt has a drink with McDuff. He has an almost schooner
size beer but only drinks a couple of mouthfuls then downs
a whisky. He leaves. The bartender comes over to the table
and tells McDuff that Dirk said McDuff would pay. As the
bartender backs away we see that the schooner opposite McDuff
is now EMPTY!
This is the second mistake.

Dirk feels that the connection in all this is McDuff so he
puts him in a trance. He takes McDuff back to 5th December
1994. Turns out that Gordon was telling the truth. Dirk
backed into him with his car. Dirk drove off and Gordon had
to go to the hospital.

Dirk goes to visit the old lady. He finds out that one
night she heard a scratching at her front door and a cat
crying and that is when George came into her life. He was
a wonderful cat and so attentive and loving. Her heart was
broken when he finallly died and she vowed to never have
another cat. But one day she was passing the pet store and
there was kitten in the window that was the spitting image
of George and that was when Henry came into her life.

Later Dirk and McDuff race to the old woman's house as Dirk
claims Susan is in dreadful danger.

Dirk announces to everyone he has the solution to where both
Henry and Gordon are.

Dirk says that Gordon being the genuis he is, he has invented
a time machine but when he went back to 5th Dec 1994, the cat
went with him. That time travel was very disconcerting to the
cat so of course he went straight away to the one place he was
familiar with, the old lady's house, that was the crying and
scratching she heard.

That Henry is where he has been since she buried him under a
tree in her backyard.

Susan is angry, she tells the old woman to ignore Dirk. He is
a con man and not to be believed. But the old woman says no
she believes him and is willing to pay him. Then he says "When
did you kill your husband?" She says it was the night George
showed up. He went to throw the cat out into the yard after it
showed up. Angiered the old lady hits him over the head with a
frypan. He falls over in the backyard.

Then we see what happens next. A man appears in her backyard
gate way. He is carrying a bunch of flowers. He asks if every
thing is OK and steps into the yard. The old lady panics and
hits and kills him.

But the old lady never admits that she killed the second man.

She says she believes the story about the cat as the man that
appeared in her gateway in 1994 was the missing billionaire,
whose picture Dirk had showed her earlier in the day. But that
they will not live to tell anyone as she has poisioned their tea.

Dirk, McDuff and Susan rush to the hospital, but are told they
HAVE NOT been posioned. When they and the police reach the old
woman's house it is to find her dead of a overdose!

Susan is angry with Dirk she says that he is the reason the old
woman killed herself as Henry was her whole world and when he
said that the cat was dead it meant that she had nothing to live
for! She still does not believe his story about the cat or

A couple of days later she is unpacking one of the old woman's
boxes and there is a paper dated 5th Dec 1994 and wrapped in it
was Gordon's mobile phone. She plays the messages on the phone
and there is the message from her to Gordon after the warehouse
exploded asking him to ring her!

Now here is a hugh mistake 1. Does anyone out there have a
mobile phone whose battery has not needed charging for 16 YEARS???
2. The mobile phone was back in 1994 when the warehouse exploded
so how could the message from Susan in 2010 be on the phone?

Another thing was I don't believe that Gordon thought the whole
transporting back in time to save his relationship with Susan
through as the reason he invented time travel was to save the
relationship, but if he had saved the relationship then he would
not have needed to invent time travel, the paradox that was faced
in the remake of Well's "The Time Machine."

I wonder what Susan would have thought if Gordon had made it to
her front door and she opened it expecting to see the 22 year old
Gordon and instead there would be standing the 38 year old version!

Still I liked the funny side of the show. I'm sure 95% of the
viewers would not have noticed any of these faults!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ted The movie

Meg and Kath raved about this movie so when I saw that
Ross had it on the hard drive I decided to watch it with

Given the fact that you are accepting that a stuffed bear
can not not talk but walk and think and in fact act like
a human I think they were stretching the envelop with
some of Ted's behaviour and the interaction with humans
when Ted was '27' years old.

I'm talking about a boss who hires a talking toy that
insults him and gives that toy a promotion everytime the
toy does something sexually inappropriate, which in real
live would have him fired and being hit with sexually
harassement lawsuits.

The majority of the film is set in 2012 so how can the 'fat'
kid Robbie lose weight and grow up to be Tyler Lauder who is
already an 'adult' in 2012 and been in the Breaking Dawn movie?

So the movie goes from the mildly amusing and grossly offensive
to ridiculous.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Quiz Games (Part 2)

It turns out that these are very popular. They
are usually downloaded to IPhones and the answers
are on the internet, but they are not the scratch
off one I was doing or the other one but the
answers do help with mine.

However I do have a few bones to pick with whoever
does the scratch off quiz. Firstly in the movie
section a scene is shown with Homer walking a pig
on the ceiling this was from the film "The Simpson
Movie" but according to the quiz this WAS NOT the
CORRECT answer. I checked the USA version to see
if it was called something else there but no it
was "The Simpson Movie in 3D" so I tried that but
NO that was not correct either so we used the three
clues only to fine that the answer wanted was "The
Simspons". I'm sorry but that answer is WRONG!!!
That is the name of the T.V. show and NOT the MOVie.

Then in the Characters section there was a picture
of Charlie Chaplin as the Little Tramp. So I put
in "The Little Tramp" nupe WRONG! so then I put in
"Little Tramp" nope! so then "The Tramp" nope finally
just "Tramp" nope used the three clues and the answer
wanted was Charlie Chaplin!!! Sorry you were wrong
again! Charlie Chaplin is the REAL NAME of the actor
NOT the character!!!

Lastly in the landmark section there was a picture
of the Brandenberg Gate, but that was the WRONG answer
the answer they wanted was Bradbergen Tor (which is the
German for the Gate) yet all the other answers were in
English so why have this one answer in another language!
The quiz should be consistent! Also they showed a
picture of a modern building in London I put in the
correct name but that was the wrong answer, the answer
they wanted was the 'nickname' "The Gerkin". NOt
consistent at all!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Zoo" by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge

This was a pleasent departure fron his usual genre.

I had to say up till 4.30 a.m. to finish reading it.

It was that kind of book, but I did find one inconsistency.

The story is mainly told by the 'hero' Jackson OZ. We
assume it is being told in 2012, though as Jackson says
it really started two years before when he noticed something
'strange' 'odd' that he could not let go of and has been
developing ever since.

On page 142-143 he says-"Charles of the world's
leading gorilla experts...THREE years ago was suddenly
attacked by a 400 pound gorilla..the ape broke all the
bones in his face, tore away his nose, lips, one of his ears,
eyes, hands and right leg from the knee down." Thus we can
conclude this event took place in 2009.

On page 201 Chapter 50 begins with the words FIVE YEARS LATER.

On page 217 Dr. Goth is cooking and we are told "The male
gorilla who had attacked him in his primatology lab at
Johns Hopkins THREE YEARS AGO took his left hand as well as
his nose, his lips, his right eye, left ear, and his right
leg from the knee down."

So in 'reality' if the story started in 2012 and it is 5
years later it is then 2017 and the accident with the ape
happened in 2009 that makes it EIGHT years ago and NOT THREE.

Just a small error. Most people would not even notice.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Quiz Games. (PART 1)

I have been going around to Karen's as she has helped
with with the programs on the tablet.

Still can't get Angry Birds to work.

As for "Doors" I think that there must be a fault in my
game as on floor 39 I am suppose to shake balls that fall
from a tube into 3 other tubes. It took about 20 to
finally get ONE in the first tube, 100 balls later I still
had not got ONE in the second tube.

They seem to be falling between the tube and the wall.
Karen's does not do this THEY NEVER FALL BETWEEN THE TUBE

Gave up in frustration.

Can't go on with with this game as yu need to complete each
floor to reach the NEXT one!