Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dynamo Magician Impossible

I have never watched a full episode of this show. But I have
seen a few snippets from time to time.

In one he walked through a glass window. He touched the glass
and we all saw him touch the glass, people were watching from
both inside the room where he was and from the street. When
he finished he just walked off down the street hands in pockets.
With people saying "How did he do that?"

The next time he walked down the side of a building. Once again
people in the street were watching. At first they thought he
was going to jump. Then he walked down, once he was on the street
he put his hands in his pockets and walked away with people saying
"How did he do that?"

The last time was during the week on the 7 prime news. He had his
hand on the side of a double decker London bus and he was floating
along beside it. Just in the air as the bus drove along. The bus
stopped and he lowered himself to the roadway and walked away with
his hands in his pockets with people saying "How did he do that?"

To paraphrase Sherlock Holmes "When you have eliminated the
improbable, whatever remains however impossible must be the truth."

So if he is not using wires or tricks then how does he do it? Well
there is a 'fictional' character that can do all he does, by the name
of Superman. So there is the answer he is an alien!! What better
way to do what comes naturally that to be a magician and earn good

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