Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Very thin impossible story line dragged out.

In one scene, Hugo is in a book shop with a young girl.
They are coming down a spiral staircase. The girl is
in the lead. They reach the bottom, the girl in the
lead. The scene cuts to them walking down a narrow
aisle way in the shop, now Hugo is in the LEAD!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


John tells me this is in it's 3rd session on Austar, while there have only been
three episodes on commerical T.V.

I have never ever know this to happen naturally and if anyone has, please let
me know. A young dark haired child who grows up to have blonde hair!!!

I have know many cases of a blonde haired child who grows up to have darker hair,
but as I said never the other way around!

Yet this has happened to the son Danny!!