Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Top 20 Songs Of 2012.

The age posted a list of the top twenty songs for 2012
last Friday. This list was complied by their song and
show reviewer.

Here is the list:-
1. Simple Song The Shins
2. Call Me Maybe Carly Rae Jepser
3. Lost Frank Ocean
4. I Got Burned The Bamboos & Tim Rogers
5. Trembling Hands The Temper Trap
6. I Love It Icona Pop
7. My Man Oh Mercy
8. Paddling Out Mike Srsio
9. Hold On Alabama Shakes
10. Boy Emma Louise
11. Little Talks Of Monster& Men
12. We Are Young Some Nights Fun
13. How We Do Rita Ora
14. Madness Muse
15. Laura Bat For Lashes
16. Idea Of Happiness Van She
17. Hopeless Wanderer Mumford & Sons
18. King Of The World/Emmy Lou First Aid Kit
19. Talk A Walk Passion Pit
20. Octopus Bbc Perry

As I don't listen to the radio, except ocassionally at
the shop and then Cliff has it tunned to ABC Classic
Operas. I have not heard ONE of these songs. So I
can't comment on the choice.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Paul and Art, "Cecilia"

I have been listening to the CD of their hits and
want to know in the song "Cecilia" who the hell
took his place?

The words go "Up in my bedroom in the afternoon
making love to Cecilia. Got up to wash my face,
when I got back to bed someone had taken my place."

1. Why would he wash his face??
2. Now who took his place? It is in the afternoon
his father, mother, brother, sister? Someone who
lives in the house with him??

I always got the impression that he is living at home
with his parents, but now listening to the words he
says "I'm begging you please to come on home." So are
they living together? married? if so why does he say
"up in MY bedroom" wouldn't it be OUR bedroom.

Really it does not make sense. But LOVe the music it
is sooo catchy!

Cecilia must be a popular name, though I have only ever
met one woman called this and that was when we were 13
(50 years ago!) yet there are about 9 songs titled this!