Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Sorry I have not been keeping up but have
suffered a bout of depression. Hope to be
better by next week.

Monday, June 4, 2012

"Little Things".

I think I wrote something similar to this a few years ago in
my Gloria's Day Blog, but this was a writing exercise, so I
thought I would include it here as well, plus it is also updated.

"I was reading the other day, about the things that people find
annoying and I thought what silly folks to be upset over such
trivial things. Like someone mispronouning their name, all you
do is say "NO my name is not .... but ...." not every one is
familiar with every name there is especially as many people
pronouce their names differently just to be different, just
like Cliff's cousin Jeffery who called himself Jeroire. Then
many people seemed upset over the people who say "actually" a
lot, or used the phase 'the bottom line'.

Not much annoys me...except maybe tissues in the wash, it is
so time consuming to have to remove all the little bits from the
rest of the clothes. Why is it, there is always only one sock at
the end of the wash cycle when you know you put a pair in to be

Don't talk to me about supermarkets!! from the fact there is is
parking for Parents with Prams but when I was a mother with three
little ones no one gave a stuff about parents with or without prams.
I have a bad knee that plays up especially in winter, but the doctor
syas it is not bad enough to get a disabled parking sticker so I
have to hoof it 'miles' through the car park just to get to the
shopping center.

As for the car spaces they getting smaller and it is not as if I
have a large car but when a SUV parks on either side of me I can't
even open my door. As for the bastard that put a foot long scratch
on my 'new' car last week you'll get yours I believe in Karma and
it will come back onto you seven fold.

I have to scrounge around for a coin for the trolley and half of them
have wonky wheels. What is with the 'child' trollys? just another
way to get money out of harassed parents.

The items you want are either out of stock and not available on
"Raincheck" or there is only one left and the customer in front of
you gets it and you have to get a rain check, only like the last two
times I have had a raincheck it only lasts for 30 days and the stock
was never on the shelf for the whole four weeks of the raincheck!! so
you waste hours and petrol going to check every couple of days to see
if the item is there and the staff keep on insisitng it will be on the
next truck in tomorrow but it never is. The lollies are always placed
at the checkout so the kids whinge and whine for them and create a scene
when told "No you can't have them". Even if they are 'cool' teenagers!
Why is it as soon as you get in the short queue the girl/boy has to
1. Call for a price check.
2. Change the paper in the register
3. Close off the register as she/he is going on break.
4. Call for change or
the person in front of you spends $2 and wants to use the EPOS to take
out $100!!
Then there are the people who try to push in front of you and you have to
point out you were first and the people who "only have one item" and thus
try to make you feel quilty and let them in front of you. What do they
think the under twelve item lanes are for???? Finally why is it that the
ads on T.V. say as soon as there are more than 3 people at the checkout
we will open more check outs, but whenever I am at the supermarket, there
can be 10 people in the line and no sign of another checkout opening up.
Have you noticed those ads didn't last long? I guess that was another
promise the supermarkets could not keep.

Drivers on the road who
1. refuse to move to the inside to allow other cars to enter the road.
2. 'forget' to use their turn signals.
3. who just don't try to sneak through the orange, but boldly go through
the red light.
4. who race past you, while you are doing 40 in the school zone, 60, 80,
100 or 110 zones.
Why is when you are going 5 km over the speed limit you are always caught
and these buggers are doing 20-30 over the limit and there is not a police
man in sight?

No there is not much that upsets me.