Monday, June 23, 2014

Channel 7 News

On Saturday night Cliff and I were watching the news and the presenter
was talking about Gold Coast Suns and the Geelong game BUT in the
background was the club flags for GCS and Carlton Football Club!

Even Cliff noticed it, but then he would as he follows Carlton!

This was the second mistake this week as on Thursday night there
was a news item about a car accident where it appeared friends were
racing each other and the policeman was Senior Det Sarg Sam Newman.
The presenter then said the a young woman was hurt and a young man
called Sam Newman were injured! Now it could be that both the men in
this news item were named Sam Newman but I DON'T THINK SO!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Star Trek IV: The Vogage Home.

Watched this with Kirsten last night. Of course it is not the
first time but this time I noticed that when the bird of prey
decloaks and hoovers over the whaling vessel, it cast a huge
shadow over the ship. In the next scene we see the vessel from
the front and the crew are in panic and the sun is shining down
on the deck. In the next scene we once again see the bird of
prey still hovering over the ship which is once again in deep

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Very thin impossible story line dragged out.

In one scene, Hugo is in a book shop with a young girl.
They are coming down a spiral staircase. The girl is
in the lead. They reach the bottom, the girl in the
lead. The scene cuts to them walking down a narrow
aisle way in the shop, now Hugo is in the LEAD!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


John tells me this is in it's 3rd session on Austar, while there have only been
three episodes on commerical T.V.

I have never ever know this to happen naturally and if anyone has, please let
me know. A young dark haired child who grows up to have blonde hair!!!

I have know many cases of a blonde haired child who grows up to have darker hair,
but as I said never the other way around!

Yet this has happened to the son Danny!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dexter (the Differences)

It is about time I wrote on this. Firstly I have read all six
Dexter books. I believe that the next season of Dexter is eight.

However the T.V show and the books started to differ with the
very first session.

Dexter has a brother Brian and in the T.V. show he was the Ice
Truck Killer and got engaged to Deb (Dexter's foster sister.
Brian then tried to kill Deb, but Dexter killed him instead.

This did not happen in the book. He was the Ice Truck killer
but not involved with Deb and Dexter did not kill him.

In session two Dexter does marry Rita but they have a little
girl (not boy), and Rita is not killed by the Triple
murderer. She is killed in book six (Dexter: The Final Cut)by
a pedophoile who tries to go off with Astor.

After that the T.V. show is completely different from the books.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Rear Window

I think you would have to live under a rock not to have hear
of Hitchcock's "Rear Window." It is a classic!

Well in the last week I have seen two shows, the first a
recent episode of Castle and the second CSI NY where the plot
has revolved around "the rear window."

In Castle he has a broken leg (like the original)and Alexis
gives him a pair of binoculars which of course he uses to
spy on the neighbours and of course he thinks he sees a
murder. There is even a reference to "Rear Window" in the
episode! Turns out it was all a hoax got up by Kate as he
was so bored! It was his birthday present. He says Best
Birthday Present EVER!!!

In CSI NY Mac is laid up with a broken right hand, ribs
and bruises and contusions (same thing!) as a result of
being thrown off a second floor balcony. He spends his
time watching the neighbours, though not through a pair
of binoculars, but he does use his mobile phone to zoom
in on what he is watching and takes video of it and
pictures and sends them to the rest of the team in the
office!! He does not witness a murder par say, as the
bloke opposite kills a carney with a gas. Turns out it
is Sarin gas and he intends on putting it in a air vent
at the Conservatory Grand Function! Of course they stop
him in time. There is no reference to the Hitchcock movie
in the show! It is the same plot!! (just a different twist!)